Week 1: Introduction to IELTS speaking

In the first week, the course focuses on four aspects.

1.Introduction and analysis of three parts of IELTS speaking;

2.Analysis of criteria for IELTS speaking with videos as the example;

3. Introduction of second life;

4.Overview of topics in IELTS speaking, schedule of the course, recommended reading and websites

(Please ensure that you have gone through all the materials posted to be more prepared )

1. Introduction & analysis of 3 parts of IELTS speaking

You can find very detailed information on the content of three parts of the test, such as what kind of questions will be asked, how long it will take.

Here is the link: A. Introduction to first part of speaking

                          B. Introduction to second part of speaking

C. Introduction to third part of speaking

2 . Analysis of 4 criteria for IELTS speaking with videos as the example;

A. Fluency & Coherence:

B. Grammar:

C. Pronunciation:

D. Lexical resources:

3.Introduction to Second Life

Registration for SL:

Login SL:

     A. Second Life is a virtual world, and is used by many people world-wide. It was not created as a learning environment, but there are quite a few educators who have looked at the potential for this kind of virtual world.

     B. To start using SL you must download the programme software from the Second Life website http://secondlife.com/.  You also have to sign up for an account, which is also free. You need create USER NAME & PASSWORD and you can meet up with the group in one of the designated  areas, which you will receive detailed information before the class from you teachers.

    C. You need become familiar with how to move and talk – “talking” can be done by writing in the chat line at the foot of the screen.

 4.  Schedule of the course, course assessment, recommended reading and websites.

A.  Course schedule

Time: 1 session/week, 1 hour/session

Time Task
Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 People
Week 3 Events
Week 4 Objects
Week 5 Nature
Week 6 Transportation
Week 7 Places
Week 8 Holidays
Week 9 Assessment

B. Course Assessment

A mock test will be held to prepare you with the mode of IELTS speaking,  which  is criteria-based assessment.

Here is attached criteria for assessment in IELTS

C. Recommended Reading

1. Official speaking test:    Cambridge IELTS1-9

2. Practical guide for preparing IELTS:    IELTS Essential Guide

                                                                            How to Prepare for IELTS

3. Practical ways to improve English speaking:   Ten-Day Step-by-step Guide to the Speaking Test (十天突破雅思口语)

D. Recommended Websites

1. IELTS official website:


2. For officially recommended material:


3. Officially recommended website for learning English


4. Official suggestions for IELTS speaking


5. Forum for IELTS learners: you may learn from other learners’ experience & share the latest development in IELTS at:


6. For improvement of pronunciation:


P.S. Please  follow  weekly instructions to make your preparation for IELTS speaking easier. 

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